Hi, I'm Stefan Sykora aka Zyggi the Raindog. I'm a passionate motorcyclist (since I can walk), motorbike driver, traveller and professional musician.
When I travel, my guitar is always with me! Because music connects people in all cultures.
"Music and petrol flow in equal parts in my veins", says Simona.

The Rock'n Ride logo is self-made and was created one evening on the sofa.
made by Simona

Hi, I'm Simona Sykora or the "noodle". That's what Stefan called me when we met in 2006.
I've been riding the big bike since 2020 and it's totally got me. I am also a bon vivant, in all respects. My passions include travelling on two wheels and drawing.
Rock'n Ride! That is our philosophy of life and travel.
We are both Sagittarians. And as we know, Sagittarians are freedom-loving people. That's how you could describe us. We love to be independent. Travelling on a motorbike gives us exactly this feeling of freedom, which has also connected us both since we have known and loved each other. But freedom also means having your partner's back, so that each of you can realise your dreams and goals individually. That is our recipe for our relationship!
That's how it came about that Stefan (born in Bavaria) realised his childhood dream in 2019. At 16, he wanted to ride his 1982 Vespa P80X along the Silk Road from Bavaria to India. 24 years later and with 580 cc more, he actually rode to the Far East. You can find detailed reports and pictures on this under the 2019 travel blog.
Simona built up her own kinesiology practice during Stefan's journey. We were on separate yet common paths for half a year. This gave us strength and confidence. "If you let go of someone, they will always come back to you". This expression fits that quite well in our attitude towards life.
Anyway, when Stefan came back in 2019, it was time for Simona's big motorbike test. It couldn't go on like this. See the 2020 travel blog.
And today it's time to live our dream together! Reduce to the Max. We are turning our lives upside down, reducing all our possessions to a minimum and changing our way of life to two wheels, a lot of freedom, quality of life and time for ourselves and our dream. Our blog should give you plenty of our travel and life stories. Maybe we can inspire you! Click here for the current blog.
Let's Rock'n Ride!