31.05.2019 Day 1
Starting signal after a somewhat restless night on Felix`s sofa with Börni at 6.40 am. I couldn't sleep any more and went to the kitchen to drink tea. When Mr Marshal crawled out of bed we went to the bakery to get breakfast.
It was 11 o'clock when we sat on the mopeds and Börni took one last photo, but not straight away in the direction of Munich, but first to the bank, because Felix didn't have a credit card, he had given it away, or the code hadn't arrived.
First hot flash at 28 degrees in full gear, finally off onto the motorway. We have our first cigarette break 20 km before Salzburg after 160 km.
We have a snack at the Chiemsee at 3 pm, then we leave the motorway and drive along the country road until 50 km before Graz, where we camp for the night at a campsite. Unfortunately the restaurant on the campsite was already closed, well it was already late, 19.45 ?!?
We then went into the village and had a delicious Styrian meal at Gabriel Entertainment. Chicken salad with pumpkin seed oil & onion roast. We placed the first "illegal" Rock'n Ride sticker on the toilet.
Exhausted from the first hundred kilometres, we went to our almost perfectly pitched tents to continue fresh the next day.

Brotzeit at Lake Chiemsee
Fine Italian sausage and olives next to the motorway with a view of Lake Chiemsee